WhatsApp has finally launched the much-awaited Disappearing Messages feature in the Indian markets as well. After weeks of the official announcement, the feature will finally allow the Indian users to remove the message automatically after seven days. The company announced the feature a few weeks back, after which the feature was first rolled in the US and was later planned for other parts of the globe in phases. The feature will not be rolled out to over 2 billion WhatsApp users by this month.
The feature will allow individuals as well as group chats admin to enable the disappearing message feature and remove any message once posted, after seven days. The feature is available on all WhatsApp-supported devices including Android, iOS, and Linux-based KaiOS devices, along with WhatsApp Web and Desktop platform. Once the feature has been enabled, new messages sent in the individual or group chat will disappear after seven days.
The company has already made it clear that after enabling the new feature, it will not affect any messages that have been sent or received in the past. The feature will also wipe out photos, videos after seven days and can be copied or saved before it happens. One can also activate the auto-download feature to make sure that the videos and images are saved to the Gallery before being deleted. If you are not using the app for seven days, even then the messages will be deleted if the selection to activate the feature has already been made.
The post WhatsApp Dissapering messages feature finally launched in India https://ift.tt/2Hsml99 originally appeared first on WikiWax
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