OnePlus has finally confirmed that they will be launching the all-new OnePlus 9 on March 23. The phone will be launched in India and several other markets on the same day. The features a lot of new features including the long-term partnership with legendary camera manufacturer Hasselblad, which will be visible on the camera unit of the phone. A lot of leaks, renders, and images have already been leaked in the past for the smartphone and everyone has a fair bit of idea as to what the phone will be like.
As per the official statement of Pete Lau, Founder and CEO of OnePlus “OnePlus has always prioritized a premium user experience over everything else. Beginning in 2021, we are making a concerted effort to significantly improve the smartphone camera experience for our users, with the expertise of a truly legendary partner in Hasselblad. With OnePlus’ top-of-the-line hardware and computational photography and Hasselblad’s rich aesthetic knowledge in traditional photography, I am confident that the OnePlus 9 Series will be a major leap forward in our ability to deliver a premium, flagship camera.”
The company has been focusing a lot on the camera unit this time and has confirmed that they are in a three-year partnership with Hasselblad to create a new generation of camera sensors for OnePlus. They will be investing more than $150 million in the next three years to develop mobile imaging capabilities. OnePlus has also announced a new color solution with the company, which is called the Natural Color Calibration with Hasselblad. The feature will look to bring natural-looking colors to photos.
The post OnePlus 9 to officially launch on March 23 originally appeared first on WikiWax
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