OnePlus fitness band has finally been launched in India and it is the first wearable device from the company till now. The new fitness band is all set to rival the likes of Mi band 5 and others. The band comes with an AMOLED display and also supports touch controls. The main feature of the fitness band is the support for blood oxygen saturation (SpO2) and heart rate monitoring. The band has been specially created for people who are more into fitness and the band can be paired with the OnePlus Health app for people to track the details of their workout, heart rate, and other details.
As known, the fitness band comes with 13 different workout modes and many other tracking features. The band has been launched on, OnePlus Store app, Amazon, Flipkart, OnePlus exclusive offline stores, and partner outlets from January 13. The band has been fairly priced at Rs 2,499 which is the same price tag for other fitness bands in the category. The only color option you will have while purchasing is the black color. However, there are other color options for bands in Navy and Tangerine Gray colors at Rs. 399 each, which will be sold as a separate accessory.
The fitness band also comes with IP68 certification and a 5ATM water-resistant rating. The band is also made to notify the users of any kind of irregular heartbeat when detected. The band will support devices with Android 6.0 to the least and will bring support for the app in iOS devices in the future. The band will also support features like real-time message notifications, incoming call alerts, call rejection, music playback controls, and a remote camera shutter button. It has been fueled by a 100 mAh battery which can deliver up to 14 days of running time.
The post OnePlus Band launched in India at just Rs 2,499 originally appeared first on WikiWax
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