So a few days back details came on the internet that OnePlus might be launching a new fitness band in the market before they actually decide to launch a smartwatch. It seems that the company is already to do so and the OnePlus band has already been teased on Amazon India. The fitness band is expected to launch first in India and then to the global market. As per the details provided by leakster Ishan Agarwal on Twitter, the OnePlus band will be launched in the Indian market on January 11 and the price for the same would be around Rs 2,499.
The price range will allow it to directly compete against the likes of the Xiaomi Mi Band. Since the band has already been listed on Amazon, it is expected that it will be an exclusive Amazon launch and later it will be made available to another website. OnePlus has also created a microsite especially for the fitness band and shows features like sleep tracking, real-time heart rate, and water resistance. The band is also expected to provide the data on blood saturation with a 1.1-inch display and 14-day battery life.
The band will also have almost 13 exercise modes for the users to use while working out. The company is expected to have brought in the band to bring an affordable competitor to OnePlus, which at the same price could deliver better performance and a lot more premium features as well. Let’s hope that the new OnePlus fitness band delivers to its hype.
The post New OnePlus fitness band teased on Amazon originally appeared first on WikiWax
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