Realme has recently launched its all-new Realme 7 5G smartphone in the UK market, with a global launch in the coming months. However, another smartphone from Realme seems to be on its way, which will also be a 5G phone and will be entering the Indian market in the month of January. The phone is the Realme X7 series, which has been spotted on the Indian BIS certification website. The launch of the smartphone in the Indian market has not been confirmed yet, but details have been leaked that it could be launched in Indian in the month of January.
The phone has already received the BIS certification weeks before the details of the phone were discussed by the company. The X7 Pro 5G from Realme has already been launched in China and the price of the smartphone started at around Rs 23,00. The handset had a 6.55-inch screen along with an AMOLED display and 120Hz refresh rate and touch sampling rate of 240 Hz. The Chinese model also has a quad-camera setup on the rear with a 64MP primary sensor.
It had 8GB Ram and 256GB onboard storage. The battery capacity was also kept at 4,500mAh with 64W dash charge support for fast charging. Now, most of these features will also be included in the version that will be launched in the Indian market. However, there does seem to be a bit of change that one would expect in the Indian version of the model, based on user preferences.
The post Realme X7 series might be launched in the Indian market in January 2021 originally appeared first on WikiWax
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