Apple has been providing contact and regular updates for all its supported iPhones. However, there seems to be another news coming from the tech giant that it will discontinue the support for iPhone 6S and original iPhone SE after the release of iOS 15 next year. The report was given by “The Verifier” who also accurately reported the discontinuation of iPhone5s and 6 from the Apple updates past iOS 12. As per the details given, only the below-mentioned devices will be getting the iOS 15 updates next year.
2021 iPhone lineup
iPhone 12 Pro Max
iPhone 12 Pro
iPhone 12 mini
iPhone 12
iPhone 11
iPhone 11 Pro
iPhone 11 Pro Max
iPhone XS
iPhone XS Max
iPhone XR
iPhone X
iPhone 8
iPhone 8 Plus
iPhone 7
iPhone 7 Plus
iPhone SE (2nd generation)
iPod touch (7th generation)
iPhone 6 and 6S were launched in 2015 and iPhone SE was introduced in 2016. Smartphones have been really popular among users. However, since iPhone Mini has the same small factor as that of an iPhone SE and the second generation of iPhone SE similar to the specs of the iPhone 6S, the company will be discontinuing the updates for the smartphone. There is currently no news about the iOS 15, but it does seem to be logical for the company to discontinue the updates for such an older model. However, we will have to wait for the official confirmation from Apple until iOS 15 details are out or the company takes out iPhone 6S and SE from the update list of support devices.
The post Apple to discontinue updates for iPhone 6S and original iPhone SE after the release of iOS 15 originally appeared first on WikiWax
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